Sunday, April 11, 2010

Visit To Mahindarama Temple

Today, my group and I (Zi Yi,Max,Yuven,Boon Leong and I) went to this temple called Mahindarama Temple, to do research for our Geography Folio. I arrived there around 9.55? Saw Boon Leong and then followed him to the help desk. There, I saw Benjamin, Kevin and Win Sern with a few others listening to some briefing given by Ms. Yeoh Poh Lin (Our Geography teacher). Other students from 3A,3B and 3E soon arrived and Ms. Yeoh told us about the places where we will interview the people.

So first off, we went to the basket weaving section. And as you should know, its a place where baskets are weaved. Thats why its called the basket weaving section. xD Anyways, balls were weaved there too.

A lady called, Sister...something. Forgotten what her name was. haha. Told us information about what they do to the baskets and balls. After her explanation, Boon Leong had to give a thank you speech! And Max was having the paper. I wonder what he said.

Moving on, we went to some place for the sick. Where elderly got to be treated for FREE! Lucky them. xD This time, Sister Poh Chu gave a talk about how they get the medicine and all. She told us not to take a photo of her or else she won't answer questions. But I DON'T CARE! Still took em. And she seemed fine. LOL.

See? She seems perfectly harmless as she explains how they get the medications and all. xD She even showed us this recycled wheel chair. It is meant for those who can't stand and are forced to bathe WITH the chair. A pic of it:

After that, we went to our last source. Her name was Sister.... I forgot her name too. xD She seemed to be a former PIBG of PFS or so. And she said PFS were for the smart. 6 years ago that is. Now, its filled with Ponteng Kings and many many more. *sigh* Coming back to the topic, she answered questions asked by Bhavesh. And Bhavesh alone. Nobody else wanted to ask anything. Cause all has been said by the Sisters.

When our research was done, Win Sern,Benjamin, Faiz,Kevin,Max and I went to McD. Their parents fetched them from there. Walking there seemed like it took hours. The freaking weather caused all of us to sweat like hell. EXCEPT BEN. He's "tahan lasak" as he says. == Faiz and I ate there while the others, decided to take ours. Then Ben left, followed by Max, then Kevin, then Win Sern and Faiz. Leaving me alone. == had to stay there for awhile before my mum came and fetch me. Slept for 2 hours as soon as I lie on my bed. Thats all for today I guess. Shall post about my Birthday soon. =)

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